Nintendo Switch is the little Nintendo console that could, and it's going to be really hard to capture the lightning in a bottle that is Nintendo's hybrid console. I have some hopes of my own, some realistic, and some completely ridiculous. I'm going to focus on the "realistic" expectations I have, and keep the ridiculous ones to my personal Nintendo fanfic. I know what I want and what I don't want from Switch 2, or Super Switch, or Switch U, or whatever Nintendo decides to call it. The Switch is easily my most-played console, and the follow-up will almost certainly do the same, but here's what I both want and expect from Nintendo's next console. But first, a little history. Over six years ago, everyone, even diehard apologists like me, agreed the Wii U failed to live up to expectations. Sales were abysmal. The games were great (as can clearly be seen by the fact that 95% of them were ported to Switch), but the hardware was just a bummer. The name all...